QT QML Dashboard Application

QT QML Dashboard Application

I was curious about QT Design Studio and QT Creator, so decided to check it out... I was looking for a dashboard application that I could use internally for visualization and the automotive display stood out to me.


  • I don't quite understand the folder structure or when to manually add files or modify CMakeLists (it indicates not to modify, but found needing to at times)

  • Individual control QML files contain properties such as property alias litersDisplay: liters195_10.text for interface.

  • The top-most QML file could be used to map data providers to the controls. In the original, an external data provider used a javascript file to simulate the data. I found an example to register a c++-based data provider.

  • I don't have a good feel for QML file content, but feels similar to WPF and easy enough to make changes from an example. The QT Design Studio is good for this purpose.

  • The javascript simulation method seems to work with QT designer, but the c++ one does not.




I am having a difficult installing this on another developer machine.. some notes specific to this install.

  • Installed and ran a number of pyqt tests first... here was an install run

    • python setup.py build --qtpaths=C:\Qt\6.5.1\mingw_64\bin\qtpaths.exe --openssl=C:\Program Files\Git\usr\bin --build-tests --ignore-git --parallel=8
  • Versions installed